woensdag 26 maart 2014


As mentioned in the Vision the area lacks a clear centre. It also lacks green and the office area actually disrupts the green structure of the Brettenzone. The research offers great opportunities to add extra functionality to a green area and to increase awareness about waste to food cycles in the urban system.

These conclusions lead to the idea of making a green stepping stone that repairs the green structure of the Brettenzone, while also offering a meeting place for the people using and going through the Teleport area. Because this green typology is not only a park but actually treats local wastestreams and produces food, this closed cycle is the main feature of the park. People will be able to follow the process from waste to food (or food to waste) and can experience the beauty of crops, see and smell how food grows and even taste it in the restaurant, after which they return it again to the system as waste. As the Living Plant focuses on the process of waste to food and the role plants play in this process a web of walkways hovers above the planted square and the gardens to offer a special experience of the process from a different level.

View from square with elevated web
Last week I had my presentation to decide whether I was allowed to graduate and I passed, so now I'll be working on my graduation presentation for the next few weeks. After that I'll update this blog again with more in dept information. In case that takes too long, please contact me.

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